Rolling process without cutting technology ( two )
Rolling process without cutting technology ( two )
70 roll forming machine , roll forming occurs in the ring using the processing method is the most representative Marciniak Poland , established the method of WPM . WPM method is to use one pair of fan gear for forming cutter , respectively, through two eccentric shaft to make the circular motion of the sector after the hob toothed wheel blank envelope out . WPM law within the tooth forming cutter , hob strength than the outer teeth and between the tool and the billet wheel contacts the circumferential arc length , relative sliding velocity is small, has good forming quality , long tool life characteristics. Followed by West Germany Weck , and others Grob method using plastic forming of a spur gear . Grob method of profiling method, along the axial feed . Rotary indexing required to complete the processing of all the teeth , precision lower than generating method . However, suitable for processing a class of spline shaft elongated parts. Roll forming machine, cold roll forming extrusion rate of qualified products exist , the production efficiency and other issues , to promote the use is restricted. To this end, hot extrusion roll forming technology is concerned , a Japanese scholar Lai Zheng Nan early as the 1950s began to study the hot extrusion rolling gear technology . Rolling with different cold extrusion , hot extrusion rolling along a pair of toothed wheel infeed , the workpiece with high-frequency heating coil , forming pressure was significantly decreased, and the teeth easily molded . As hot extrusion rolling gear affect the quality ( eg accuracy , material flow , and heat treatment after forming defects intensity ) many factors , and later the Japanese has conducted a hot extrusion molding conditions rolling gear Experimental Study of many factors . In the 1980s , roll forming machine, roll forming technology to high- quality, low-cost " net shape " machining direction, and the use of simulation techniques were tested.

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